Earth is the habitat and our home but do we treat it as our home? Reflect your ideas in form in a diary entry and also suggest to make the eartha beautiful home for all
idk but thanks for the points ^^
January 11, 2019
10:45 p.m.
Dear Diary:
Today I saw the movie Gravity. I really liked it. The views of the earth, our planet from the space were just stunning. I also saw how difficult it is to move in space and any other planet or heavenly body. I feel, so do the scientists, philosophers, and wise-men and wise-women that earth is the most beautiful and life-supporting planet in the entire universe. But I fail to understand why mankind is so much indifferent and inclined to destroy this nursery of life! Why are rivers, lakes, oceans, land, air, atmosphere, etc. being polluted and jeopardized? Does man want to annihilate himself and all the coming generations by ruining this planet? I don’t know about others, but I will do everything to maintain its beauty and purity. I wish all of men and women could love our unique planet the way I do. Good night dear diary. I have to go to bed now.