Earth revolves around the sun due to the gravity of sun. Why does the earth not move towards sun? State and derive the formula for gravitational force between sun and earth.
Explanation Using Newton’s Gravity
The Earth received energy in the form of radiation from the Sun. For the Earth to remain in balance the energy coming into and leaving the Earth must equal. See on figure below.
We can explain it in another ways, that medium between the Sun and Earth perform a resistance, that’s why the Earth doesn’t fall to the Sun and burn up, but it cause the force of sideways that works on the medium.
Imagine fishing at the sea
The existing of the force of sideways explains how the Earth orbits around the Sun, and why didn’t the Earth just fall to the Sun.
Fishing on a boat, when a fish feels the hook, it struggles to get free. This might swimming back against the line or swimming around obstacles. A large fish pull harder, and can be more challenging to reel in. Sea water performs obstacles; it causes a right or left movement of fish. The movement of fish to the left or right is a kind of the force of sideways that works on the medium (sea water).
Image from Portprnotions.
When the fish has been successfully pulled to ship deck, it’s more easily to lift the fish. That is because air medium are looser than sea water.
This is the same as if you have a weight on the end of a string and swing it around. You are constantly pulling it toward you, but the motion sideways keeps it swinging around. Like the string, the Sun’s gravity pulls on the planets, but the planets have enough sideways motion to keep them in their orbits.
The Sun is more than 300,000 times heavier than Earth, distance of the Earth to Sun is about 1.50 x ¹⁰¹¹ m, and the force of attraction between the Sun and Earth is about F = 3.52 x ¹⁰²² N.
Isaac Newton said: “I deduced that the forces which keep the planets in their orbs must be reciprocally as the squares of their distances from the centres about which they revolve, and thereby compared the force requisite to keep the moon in her orb with the force of gravity at the surface of the earth and found them to answer pretty nearly.”
Explanation using Einstein’s gravity.
The most popular example to explains Einstein’s gravity is a rubber sheet and a ball as
and on many of Websites. Einstein’s gravity contains nothing about force. It describes the behavior of objects in a gravitational field not in terms of ‘attraction ‘but simply in terms of the paths they follow. To Einstein, gravitation is simple part of inertia; the movement of the stars and the planets arise from their inherent inertia; and the courses they follow are determined by the metric properties of space or a warping of spacetime.
A rubber sheet warped by a heavy stone is an excellent analogy. A rubber sheet as seen on the figure below illustrated a warping of spacetime.
Answer:The earth moves towards the sun because of the centrifugal force