English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Earthquake cannot be predicted most of the times and it is better to be aware of the Do’s and Don’ts.
Write a composition (250 words) on the following topic.
Suppose you have just experienced an earthquake, how would you react if you were (a) indoors, (b) outdoors, (c) in a moving vehicle
(Not necessarily original)


Answered by Guglu2002
If indoors

1. Drop to the ground; take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and hold on until the shaking stops. If there is no table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.

2. Protect yourself by staying under the lintel of an inner door, in the corner of a room, under a table or even under a bed.

3. Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, (such as lighting fixtures or furniture).

4. Stay in bed if you are there when the earthquake strikes. Hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place.

5. Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and if you know it is a strongly supported, load bearing doorway.

6. Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.

If outdoors

1. Avoid moving. However, move away from buildings, trees, streetlights, and utility wires.

2. If you are in open space, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger exists directly outside buildings; at exits; and alongside exterior walls. Most earthquake-related casualties result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects.

If in a moving vehicle

1. Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.

2. Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.
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