English, asked by kargayatri, 1 year ago

eassay on importance of ethics in life ​


Answered by Alice65

Ethics is important to every society as it plays a critical role in shaping the individuals behaviours within a society. Since the dawn of human civilization, men have sought to keep human conduct in check to preserve the peace of society. Where written law is used to govern official businesses and happenings, ethics act as a self-governing system to keep human self-interest and the good of society at equilibrium because the eyes of the law are not always available (Duska, 2012).

However, as with everything in life, nothing is perfect. Ethics and human conduct are no exception to this rule. Ethics of the old days.

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Ethics Is Important To Every Society Philosophy Essay

2861 words (11 pages) Essay in Philosophy

5/12/16 Philosophy Reference this

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Ethics is important to every society as it plays a critical role in shaping the individuals behaviours within a society. Since the dawn of human civilization, men have sought to keep human conduct in check to preserve the peace of society. Where written law is used to govern official businesses and happenings, ethics act as a self-governing system to keep human self-interest and the good of society at equilibrium because the eyes of the law are not always available (Duska, 2012).

However, as with everything in life, nothing is perfect. Ethics and human conduct are no exception to this rule. Ethics of the old days has been polluted and are inadequate for business self-governance due to changes in the environment and cultural norms. In other words, ethics in today’s society has eroded. As cited by (Gino & Bazerman, 2008), managers and leaders in modern organizations lack strong ethical standards (Andrews, 1989; Longnecker, 1985; Molander, 1987; Pit t& Abratt, 1986) or are willing to abandon them in the face of economic incentives or competitive pressures (Gellerman, 1986; Hosmer, 1987).

Humans have always been thought of as selfish creatures, and this just further proves it. Colleagues bad mouthing each other behind their backs to increase chances of promotion shows a lack of professional ethics in order to gain economic advantage can be seen as unethical, but logical. Unfortunately, some acts such as littering the streets and using the cell phone in a cinema despite being told repeatedly not to do so, is not just unethical, it is downright absurd.

In this study, ethics is shown to play an important role in moulding one’s behaviour to identify what is right and wrong to do in a society, as it is a belief and standard that helps to create a harmonious and conforming environment. Not only that, in order to eradicate erosion of ethics among society one need to understand why ethics play a vital role to everyone as a whole, and not being bias to only a part of the community..

hope it helps you

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