eassay on - life is boring without..?
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Today my topic is Essay On Life Without Friends Is Boring...
Them are people in this world that prefer to live on their own, to stay as far as possible for the company of other people, to enjoy the silence and comfort of being alone, without anyone to bother them. For my pan. I cannot imagine my life to be like that. I really think that thends are very important in my life and I like to spend as much time as possible with my friends. It is hard for inc to enjoy the splendors of life without having anyone to share my feelings with. I have too often been away from home, from my friends and family.
I have seen wonderad places and things that could make me incnxlibly happy. However, the true happiness came only at the time when I could share my expaiences thinly ftiends. Everywhere I go I need to find at least one person that in the end I can call a friend. Going to a conceit, to a movie or enjoying a party, it is inconceivable not to go with a friend. I do not =ail ever going to a concert on my own. And I missed several occasions to go to events that I really wanted to attend just because my friends were unable to make it, and 1 could not go without them.
MoreOver friends can help each other. It is good to know that somewhat there is at least one person \ thorn you can depend on when you am in need. I also enjoy, helping my friends. Doing something good for someone is a really rewaiding experience. While with my friends, we can also have discussions and share opinions on our futum plans, our ideas, our thoughts, and our problems.
Although there are arguments on the patt of leading a life on your OW11, and not depending on other people, I strongly believe that friends, family, people around you am important part of our life. Life is so wonderful because the people around you.
Life is boring without….
Goals- Because you are non-living thing if you are not having goal.(from my perspective)
Parents- Because no one can give love like them!
Crazy friends- Because you need memories at the end.
Failure- Becuase you get to learn only from failure!
Accidents- You get to know your true mates!
Sex- Obviously.
Achievements- Because you get confidence to do your work.
Books- Because they teach us!
Festivals- Because you need some time to relax from your work.(wink wink)
Smartphone(If your work is related to smartphone)- Because this is so powerful instrument, no one can neglect the power of smartphone!
Music- Aah, i don't need to say anything.
Exercise- Atleast not that much of muscular body but fit body, imagine yourself wearing formal clothes with that perfect fitting!
Risks- Because life is incomplete without risks!
Travelling- because once you start to do, you will never look back!