English, asked by Tanmay4451, 4 hours ago

eassay on - " Personality Development "​


Answered by Helpingbot

Answer & Explanation:

The word ‘personality‘ is a broad term. It combines in itself the characteristics and qualities which give him a distinct identity. These things distinguish him from others.

Thus, personality development is not an overnight task. It requires lots of time and efforts to groom and shape personality. However, personality development is the outcome of so many factors which include will-power, confidence, concentration, memory, and smile, humour, to name a few.

Will-power is one of the key factors necessary to develop personality. It is a phenomenon which lies in human mind. It needs to be groomed, shaped and exploited. Concentration, meditation and faith can be of great help in this regard. All the great men of the world who rose to the height of success were men of strong will. All the geniuses, scholars and eminent personalities had this trait in abundance. It was their will which helped and guided him to rise against all odds. They change the direction of wind in their favour. Men of will never step back in face of adversaries. They have full confidence in their will. Thus, they believe and taste success at the end of the day.

Strong will leads to the development of self-confidence. Self-confidence is very important to succeed in life. A person who has confidence in his work will not give up in the face of difficulties. He will fight courageously unless and until he succeeds in getting his target achieved. Failures and hardships do not discourage a confident person. It is his confidence which promotes him to try again and again.

Concentration is an important ingredient of personality development. Concentration helps in exploiting the potentiality hidden in human beings. Good habit and memory vitalize the efficiency of mind. They help in acquiring the power of concentration. They contribute in success. It is the power of concentration which gives strength to even the weakest creature.

Memory has close relation with concentration. Memory comprises—retention, recollection and recognition. Sharp memory helps to retain and recall various facts, figures and other things whenever required.

Humor adds colour to personality. It makes personality interesting. It removes boredom. It keeps his spirit high. Humor lends charm even to dull and dreary subject of life. A hearty laugh wipes out misery and gloom and kindles a spirit to struggle and fight against the adverse situation. Thus adverse situation fails to bring him down. A humorous person keeps himself above all scares and worries. He spreads cheerfulness around him and becomes popular among his circles.

In addition, a large number of external, inherent and acquired qualities contribute to build up the personality. These qualities include integrity, humility, self-respect, etc. All these factors combine to shape the personality of a man. These cannot be cultivated within a day or two. It should be inculcated from early childhood. Both parents and teachers have a significant role in the personality development of a man.


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