English, asked by john4950, 7 months ago

Eassy in 700 words on topic the last two moths have made me change in human being


Answered by alenealvares


here you go this the answer

1.The lack of energy

If people do not know how to relax or do not want to do it, they can see, that they have the lack of the energy and power. It is impossible to set the goals every time and to reach them. You also need to have some time to relax.

2. The unneeded person

This feeling shows you, that nobody needs you and everything you are doing can be done by any other person. This feeling can have the negative influence on your life.

3. The word “ Must”

If you live only with the thoughts, that you must do something, you can be sure, that you will not get the success. You should remember the simple thing: you must not do the things you do not like. Yes, sure, there can be some situations in our life, when we need to do it, but you should understand, that if you do something, that is only needed to be done, you will live in the cage and you will never be happy. The ways of avoiding the word “must” is possible to find in my life story essay, which you can order on our site.

4. The goals

If you live without any goals, you can be tired of the fact, that you do not know what to do and what to start from. But it is important to understand the difference between the words “ the wish” and “the goal”. The wish means that you have the need to wear nice clothes, have something to eat and the place where you can live. It is normal for every person and in the easy words, these things can be our daily needs. Because of this fact, the goal, is something, that can change your life and give you the feeling of happiness. The goal can change your life and you can change the world. The life essays can help you to create the goal and find the ways of reaching them.

5. The small things

A lot of people can imagine the happiness as something, that is very huge and should be every day. But they are wrong. Just look around yourself and you will see, that your life is full of different surprises and positive moments. You should be glad, that you have the opportunity to hear, to see, that you have your friends, which can help you with the difficult situations. A lot of people set the goal to be happy, but they do not notice, that they miss the happiness in the everyday life.

6. The usual things

If you do the same work every day, you will see, that you are tired because of it. The different process or action is the movement. But what is the movement? It is the development. Because of this fact, a lot of people can have depressions, because their life consists of the usual things.

7. Too big goal

People like to set up the huge goals, but when they realize the actions, which they need to do to reach this goal, they can be afraid of this fact.

It is impossible to provide you with the correct answer to the questions how to change your life if you do not have the power or the motivation. You can check the possible solutions of this problem and to choose the most appropriate for you.

The ways of getting the success in the life

8. Start doing

If you do not do something, the desire to continue it will only become bigger and bigger. You should do something and be tired of it later. You should be as the robot and then you will have the huge desire to do something.

9. Visit people who have less then you.

You can bring the necessary things or clothes for them. You can see how they live and help them with everything you can. You will see, that the people, which do not have a lot of things, which you have can find the happiness in the smallest things and they are glad for every new day in their life. Also, you will see, that you are helpful and you can change the life of some people in the better way.

10. Your body

You should also check your physical health, because if you have some problems, you cannot be happy. You should understand, that your soul and your body are connected with each other. Because of it, you need to do something useful for your body. You can find a lot of exercises, after which you will be fresh and have a lot of positive emotions.


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