English, asked by reetanihalani, 7 months ago

Eassy on A healthy body


Answered by iTzSnOw

A healthy lifestyle has many benefits not only for the body but for the mind too. Also, if you follow a healthy lifestyle then you can reduce the ...


Answered by sumirabagh9664546756


The ancient Roman proverb 'healthy mind in a healthy body' holds good even in today's modern world. Exercise helps us to keep fit and at the same time maintain an alert mind. Regular exercise increases blood circulation in our bodies and that means an increased supply of oxygen to the brains.

The ancient Roman proverb 'healthy mind in a healthy body' holds good even in today's modern world. Exercise helps us to keep fit and at the same time maintain an alert mind. Regular exercise increases blood circulation in our bodies and that means an increased supply of oxygen to the brains.One must eat a balanced diet, which should include vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals in appropriate quantity. Along with this, one must also eat fresh fruits and drink lots of water. It is also very important to exercise and keep fit. Walking, cycling, swimming and jogging are good for health.

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