English, asked by pinki456sahu, 4 months ago



Answered by amarjit1121


The word pollution means to tarnish the natural resources which are the producers of a disproportion in the ecosystem. The current catastrophic issue going on is environmental pollution. When a lethal substance creeps into an ambiance at a faster rate than the environments innate accommodation causes pollution. The major causes of the contamination of the natural resources and the hazardous by-products emitted by the large scale factories.

Air pollution, water pollution, noise and soil pollution are the most dangerous forms of pollution causing heath disorders to the human beings. The water is not safe to drink, the air is not pure to inhale, the crops are not safely grown and a lot more. It is very important that for the healthy survival of life on the planet in future preventive measures need to be taken to control the widely spreading pollution. The pollutants disturbing our natural ecosystem are hazardous gases emitted from the chimneys factories, deposited matter like dust and smog, insecticide, pesticides, organic compounds from industries like acetic acid and benzene, discharging of waste into the water bodies and the list goes on.

Be it any type of Pollution, industrialization along with greenhouse effect have the adverse impacts on our ecosystem. The ever ending greediness and exploitation of natural resources is paving a way towards serious abasement of these resources. We need to learn sustainable development.

Answered by vydehibala


The natural mechanisms of the Earth that had been functioning in sync since the formation of the Earth are lying in disarray. This can be attributed to the exploitation of natural resources by humans. We, occupying the topmost strata on the ecological pyramid, should be conscious of the environment. Pollution has been a burning issue for the last 100 years, but little has been done to take steps towards rebuilding our ecosystem and saving it from the brink of collapse.

The Earth is in continuous motion; the principles of nature teach us that we must never disrupt the harmony of the various levels of the ecosystem. Meddling with natural processes can have disastrous long term effects that will push the entire Earth towards mass destruction. Pollutants must be identified and effectively dealt with to pull off a last saving grace for the sake of our co-habitants. It must be kept in mind that pollutants are not always toxic substances. Any unwanted substance that can disrupt the functioning of a natural system can be categorized as a pollutant.

Some pollutants don’t have any shape or size. For example, temperature rise in our atmosphere by a few degrees for a short time will not have any significant effect, but the same amount of rising in temperature in a water body will kill the thermo-sensitive organisms. Here, the temperature is a pollutant for the water body. There are certain invisible pollutants, too, like noise. Noise pollution wasn’t even recognized as a form of Pollution until the late 1970s. In 1972 it was recognized as a significant form of Pollution by the United States’ Pollution Control Board. Noise pollution is the trickiest to deal with, as it has no specific guidelines. Your neighbor partying in the middle of the night with stereos blasting music at a dangerously high level also falls under noise pollution. A deep sense of responsibility towards nature and empathy for all the organisms residing on Earth will go a long way in saving our planet from destruction.


Hope it helps you friend :)

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