English, asked by eyenainjavid, 6 months ago

eassy on self dependent independent india


Answered by vcgupta2580


Objectives. As the country achieved Independence on August 15, 1947, our political masters found out that India had been bled to the point of extinction.

The country had successfully overthrown slavery at the huge cost of life, partition and uprooting millions from their home and hearth and now was heading towards economic slavery.

Food production, production of essential items, fertilizers, steel and even cotton textiles were below the required level. Weapons to arm the army, navy and air force were also to be procured from outside and the economic slavery was complete. The democratic right to existence was becoming a myth. Self-sufficiency had become distant.

It was at this time that self-reliance was seriously considered, to get out of the clutches of foreign countries and to save precious foreign exchange, serious planning was required. The Socialist bloc of countries had set the ball rolling with the idea of public sector enterprise. This was the idea mooted in our country too to provide self-reliance and employment, both. The main idea was the democratic and socialistic norm of economic equality. A dream which remains unfulfilled till date with the yawning gap between the rich and the poor widening further. Yes, initially it did serve the purpose of reducing our country’s dependence on foreign exchange and loans, but later we thoroughly bungled in managing our units, due to rampant corruption, bureaucratic incompetence and the political looting is another matter.

Concept of Self-Reliance

The concept is sometimes confused with Self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency simply means that a country need not depend on other sources to fulfill the needs of its citizens and enterprises. That the country produces all the goods and services it requires without depending on others. Self-reliance, on the other hand, implies that the country generates sufficient surplus to buy what it needs and therefore, it does not have to bank upon the loans and aids of outside organizations or countries for resources or funds to acquire them.

Even after two decades of India’s Independence, self-reliance could not be adopted in the sense of ability to pay for its imports. The requirement of food grains was necessary as the internal production was short. Technology and development needs had to be supplemented by procurement in foreign exchange. The problem was that there was no export surplus to pay for these imports and this need was supplemented by aid from the World Bank and developed countries. Foreign aid was thus used to pay for excess of imports necessitated by economic development.

India Today

Our country has been blessed with a bounty of natural resources which is being exploited for self-reliance. Luckily, the private sector has been successful in making the country self-reliant in agricultural products, textiles, steel, computer software, fertilizers and heavy industries. We have reached the extent of having surplus production in several sectors and able to earn necessary foreign exchange.

Answered by asnarafeeque85

India celebrates Independence day on 15th August every year. As it is on this day in the year 1947 India got its independence from British rule. The reason that India got its’ Independence on 15th August was Lord Mountbatten considered this date lucky. Because it was the same day in the year 1945 the Japanese forces surrendered before him.

Importance of Independence Day Essay

Furthermore, we celebrate Independence day to remember our Freedom Fighters. Because they were the ones who struggled for our country and sacrificed their lives. Our Independence day is of great importance to us. As it is the only day when we can remember our martyrs who died for the country. Also, it is the only day when we forget all our cultural differences and unite as one true Indian.

Importance of Independence Day Celebration

In our country, the Independence day celebration is done on a vast scale. Every government building is full of decoration with light. Also, these lights are of three colors orange, green, and white. Because these are the colors of our National Flag. Moreover, every person whether being a government or private official has to be present in the offices. To hoist the National Flag of our country and sing our National Anthem. However, there are other reasons Our Independence day is important to us

To Pay Tribute to Our Freedom Fighters

Our Freedom Fighters struggled for our country to make us free. Furthermore, they were the ones who sacrificed their lives for our country. It is on this day that every individual of the country pays tribute to them. In Schools and colleges, there is an organization of various functions. In this, the students perform acts to represent the struggle of our freedom fighters.

Moreover, the students have a solo and duet performance of patriotic songs. To fill us with the feeling of patriotism and love for our country. In offices, there is no work done on this day. Furthermore, the officials wear Tricolor dresses to express their patriotism for the country. Also in various offices, employees deliver speeches to enlighten people about the freedom struggle. And the efforts made by or freedom fighters to make this country an independent nation.


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