Hindi, asked by s16493aparii3096, 4 months ago

eassy on teacher

please said ​


Answered by s16497aDHAIRIYA2561


Teachers help students and other people learn and progress their life.

The teacher is responsible for shaping the career and lives of his/her students.

Teachers feel honor and pride to direct their students towards the right path of life.

Every student is equal in the teacher’s eyes; they never do partiality.

Teachers always encourage and award their pupils for good works and punish them for wrongdoings.

Their ultimate goal in life is to provide quality education to their students.

They are the ones to teach their students to differentiate between good and bad things in life.

A teacher knows that not all students are equally capable, so they put in extra effort for those who are weak.

A good teacher makes the learning process fun and enjoyable.

A teacher’s good impression on his/her students, impact positively, and the students consider him/her as their role model.

Answered by 28aliza


Throughout our entire lives, we have people who are very near and dear to us and hold an extraordinary place in our hearts, and teachers are one of them. They are a blessing from God to us, and they are the reason behind a well-built nation. They are the ones to teach us that pen is mightier than a sword and help us elevate our living standards.

They impart knowledge and imbibe mortality within the students. Teachers take up the roles of a parent, a friend, and a guide whenever needed. The teachers shape and personality our future beautifully.

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