eassy on topic the advantage and disadvantage of class test.
Although holidaymakers contribute hugely to the economies of many popular destinations, the influx of tourists can also cause serious issues. This essay will demonstrate how tourism can transform the economy of poor areas but will show that it can also lead to a marked increase in crime. Although this problem is a significant one, the essay argues that the advantages of tourism do outweigh the disadvantages.
One of the main advantages is the number of jobs the tourist industry creates for local people. The many hotels, restaurants, shops and other facilities provide employment for the residents. A good example of a country that is taking full advantage of a booming tourist industry is Thailand. Regions that were once dominated by poor fishing villages are now full of thriving holiday resorts. With everyone now having a job, the general standard of living has greatly increased. The economic boost to these local communities has also had a massive impact on the national economy which is growing year on year, largely due to tourism.
However, an increase in holidaymakers can lead to some worrying issues. One of the most serious of these is an escalation in the local crime rate. This is a particular problem in popular party destinations such as Ibiza where illegal drug taking and the excessive consumption of alcohol, which leads to unruly behaviour, are an important part of the holiday experience for many visitors. The affected areas, which were once quiet coastal towns and villages with very little crime, now require a large police presence to tackle these problems.
In conclusion, although mass tourism can result in a rise in criminal activity, it greatly improves the lives of most local inhabitants as well as contributing significantly to the national economy. Hence, the positive effects of the tourist industry definitely outweigh the drawbacks.