English, asked by sushanttripathi64, 9 months ago

eassy on ''Twice vote wise'' ...?​


Answered by Anonymous


Some pundits say that this election has turned everything we thought we knew about U.S. politics on its head. I tend to agree more with those who note that divisiveness and bombastic attacks have always been a part of presidential races. Consider the election of 1800, when the campaigns of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson traded accusations that one had a “hideous hermaphroditical character” and the other was “the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.” What does feel different this election cycle is the level of emotion stirred up among voters. Violence at rallies; protests galore; families at one another's throats on Facebook. (Or is that just my family?) Strong emotion doesn't always make for good decisions. It's time to take a deep breath, clear our heads and learn how to cast our votes well.

#1 Don't just go with your gut. Voting well means making your choice from a standpoint of informed consideration and with an eye toward the common good, says Jason Brennan, a political philosopher at Georgetown University and author of The Ethics of Voting. “Suppose you go to a doctor and ask for advice about an illness—you'd expect the doctor to have your interests at heart and to think rationally about your symptoms,” he says. “Voters owe the same thing to each other and the electorate. Vote for everyone's best interest, and when you're forming your political beliefs, form them based on information and learning, not on the basis of quick thinking, anger or bias.” That can be tough to do, however, because a good politician knows exactly how to push our emotional buttons, says Leslie Shore, a communications expert who teaches effective listening at St. Mary's University of Minnesota: “Word choice can be very specifically used to induce a response in the listener.” Strong emotion, however, can interfere with our ability to think critically.

#2 Don't get all your news from social media. Most of us have unfollowed, unfriended or muted contacts on Facebook, Twitter and other networks because their political views make us mad. Doing so can give rise to narrowed political views and groupthink, Shore warns. “Most of our social media networks are full of people who agree with us, so they create an automatic validation of everything that you're already thinking,” she says. “If no one challenges you, there's no opportunity to rethink or ask important questions.” Try broadening your news sources by tuning to channels or sites, papers or magazines that have a different slant than you do. “If you have a news app on your smartphone or tablet, specifically add a publication to your feed that you know tends to lean the opposite way, and then do yourself a favor and actually read what they're saying,” Shore says

Answered by vaduz

Essay writing.


In times of any form or type pf elections, the voters play a huge part in the success of the election. Their choices and actions will be directly related to what or how the government will be formed.  

it is important that one pays attention and carefully decide who to cast his vote for, for there can be no remedial chance after the final decision. One must see and learn who the candidates are, see their personalities and their beliefs, and must not judge in a biased way. One must have an open mind and approach with a readiness to hear or see both sides of the coin, so as to see which one will be beneficial for the majority of the people. Only then will there be a just choice made, which will be on the interest of the whole people and not of just one person. Rechecking, evaluating the better choice for the unity of the people must be the foremost aim. This will lead to a better decision making that will become the source or means of betterment for the whole country.

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