English, asked by ritinsingh, 3 months ago

ECCE বুলিলে কি বুজা?​


Answered by shachiswing

The full form of ECCE is early childhood care and education.

  • The government of India had under consideration a national early childhood care and education (ECCE) .
  • this policy is to reiterate the commitment to promote inclusive, equitable and contextualised opportunities for promoting optimal development and active learning capacity of all children below 6 years of age.
  • It promotes free, universal, inclusive, equitable and joyous opportunities for building a foundation and realising one's potential.
  • Early, ECCE positively impacts children's long term learning and development.
  • It ensures that every child feels valued, respected, safe, and secure as they grow up and form a self and also a strong nation.

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