Economic activities of people of Amazon and Ganga Brahmaputra basin
In Amazon basin:
a. Hunting
b. Fishing.
c. Agriculture- tapioca, pineapple and sweet potato are the main crops grown.Cash crops like coffee, maize and cocoa are also grown.
In Ganga Brahmaputra basin main activities are :
a. Large part of agricultural activity is done on the fertile palisn of the delta, main crops grown there are jute, tea, rice. Fishing is also an important activity of the region
b. Banana plantation, tea plantation .
c. Silk is also grown here.
Agriculture is taken up as the main occupation where flat land is available to grow crops. The main crop is paddy. The staple diet of the people is fish and rice. Since it requires sufficient water, it is grown in areas where rainfall is high. The other crops that are grown include wheat, maize, millet and gram. Cash crops such as sugarcane and jute are also grown. Tea plantations are found in West Bengal and Assam. Banana plantations are seen in the plains. In Bihar and Assam, silk is produced by rearing silkworms. Crops are grown on the terraces of the hills that have gentle slopes.
: People in the Amazon basin grow most of their food in small areas after clearing the trees in the forest. Men hunt and fish; and women take care of the crops. The main crops include tapioca, pineapple and sweet potato