Economy, asked by madhan1219, 6 months ago

economic growth is the dash concept option a. narrower option b. broader optionc. process option d. nature​


Answered by mhatrelatika303



Evaluation is one of the most important aspect of Teaching –learning Processes.

To assess the learning outcome on the part of learner from time to time to see the

attainment levels ,testing is one of the commonly and widely used technique .Test

items can be of many types i.e. Objective Type Questions, Very Short Answer

Type, Short Answers or Essay Type. In all these categories different forms of test

items can be prepared. For Objective Type –Fill in the Blanks, One Word Answer,

True False, Matching /Batching and Multiple Choice Test Questions can also be

formed. Recently CBSE has introduced 8 Mark MCQs in different disciplines at Sr.

Secondary Level in Boards. Preparing students to choose the correct answer

option for a given question out of the similar looking choices requires practice.

For this the teachers themselves should build capacities to prepare such MCQs

on different topics based on concepts and principles, It was conveyed by

teachers in different forums including Need identification Workshop that some

reading material on the techniques of preparing MCQs along with Exemplar on

some topics be covered in the Manual .In the following Section you will find some

useful material on the same.

Multiple Choice Test Questions, also known as items, can be an effective and

efficient way to assess learning outcomes. Multiple Choice Test Items have

several advantages which are as under-

Versatility: Multiple choice test items can be written to assess various levels of learning

outcomes like recall, application, analysis, and evaluation. However, because students

are choosing from a set of potential answers, multiple chose items are not an effective

way to test student's creativity or his ability to organize and articulate thoughts.

Reliability: A good test is consistent in measuring a learning outcome. Multiple choice

test items are less susceptible to guessing than true/false questions, making them a

more reliable means of assessment. When the number of MC items focused on a single

learning objective is increased test become more reliable. Scoring of multiple choice

items is objective and consistent unlike the scoring of essay questions.

Validity: Validity is the degree to which a test measures the stated learning outcomes.

Because students can answer a multiple choice item much more quickly than an essay

question, tests based on multiple choice items can cover wider range of course

material, thus increasing the validity of the assessment


A Multiple choice item consists of a problem, known as the STEM, and a list of

suggested solutions, known as ALTERNATIVES. There is one correct or best

alternative known as the ANSWER, and various incorrect or inferior alternatives, known


1. The stem should be meaningful by itself. It should present a definite problem. A

stem that presents a definite problem focusing on the learning outcome and serve as a

direct test of student's achievement of the learning outcome. A stem that does not

present a clear problem, however, may test student's ability to draw inferences from

vague descriptions.


Question: Which of the following is a true statement?

1 BOP is balanced when receipts of foreign exchange are more than payments of

foreign exchange.

2. BOP is surplus when receipts of foreign exchange are more than payments of

foreign exchange.

3 BOP is deficit when receipts of foreign exchange are more than payments of

foreign exchange.

4. BOP is autonomous when receipts of foreign exchange are more than payments of

foreign exchange.


Question: When receipts of foreign exchange are more than payments of foreign

exchange, BOP is

1 Balanced 2 Surplus

3 Deficit 4 Autonomous

2. The stem should not contain irrelevant material, which can decrease the reliability

and the validity of the test scores.

Question: 'Break-even point' is the point where-

(a) Investment = Savings (b) Consumption = Investment

(c) AD = AS (d) Consumption = Income

3. The stem should be negatively stated only when significant learning outcomes

require it. Students often have difficulty understanding items with negative phrasing. If

a significant learning outcome requires negative phrasing, the negative element shou

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