ECONOMICS (5 marks) 1) Describe different types of production activities in the village palampur.
Farming at Palampur: Farming is the main activity in village Palampur. Land area available for farming is fixed. Expansion in production is done due to methods of multiple cropping and use of modern farming methods.ii Dairy farming: Dairy is a common activity in many families of Palampur. Many families have cows and buffalos. They feed them on jowar and bajra. They sell milk either in the village or in nearby villages or town.iii Small-scale manufacturing: People at Palampur are Engaged in same kind of small scale and cottage industries. Simple techniques of production are used on a small scale. Such small scale units are mostly carried at home or in fields with the help of family members. Sugarcancurshing carpet Leaving and basket – making activities are carried under such production units.
hope it helps