ecplain the meaning of representative democracy ? why it is more practiced in today's world?
In ‘Representative Democracy' people vote to choose their representatives (Aka Elected representatives) to represent them and take decisions on their behalf. It is also called ‘Indirect democracy’.
On the other hand, in a ‘Direct democracy’ people collectively discuss and vote to take decisions for themselves.
Let me give you an example.
In a village of 200 people, all the people meet every Sunday. They discuss and decide whether the village needs a new road, new school etc.
In a village of 2000 people it is impossible for them to meet and discuss every issue. So every 200 of them elect a person, in total 10 of them are elected. These 10 people meet every Sunday, they discuss and decide whether the village needs a new road, new school etc.
today the world is politically divided into a number of countries (there are 195 countries in world today). Each of these countries has a population of thousands of people. It is not viable to practice Direct democracy in these countries. Hence, they chose Representative Democracy. They vote and elect their representatives.