Écrivez une lettre à votre père disant que vous étiez malade, mais maintenant
vous allez bien.
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Class-8 and the family are in the same place as they were intrested and they were very lovely and a lovely place to stay in touch with them and they were lovely friends and we were a bit shocked to hear that you were a bit more than a few people in the family who were unable to pay the rent for the holiday and we were wondering if we could arrange for a few drinks before we leave for the evening and we will probably be able to get the
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Rouen, le 14 juillet
Cher Paul,
Comment vas-tu ? J’ai regu ta lettre dans laquelle tu as ecrit que tu es au chomage depuis un an. Ne t’inquiete pas ! Tu peux faire de l’interim de temps en temps. Tu dois t’inscrire sur le site internet de pole-emploi.fr. Est-ce que tu parcours les annonces classees ? Si non, il faut que tu le commences.
Je sais que tu as un bon CV. Alors, tu ne dois pas avoir de problemes. Sois optimiste ! Bientot, tu trouveras un bon metier dont tu seras fiere.
Bonne chance !
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