एडिटा मोरिस के उपन्यास का नाम लिखिए।
After the Ball, short story, published in Harper's Bazaar, Nov. 1943
Amar-to Love, short story, published in Harper's Bazaar, 15 Sep 1941
Auntie Ninna, short story, published in Harper's Bazaar, April 1943
Ball of Yarn, short story, published in Selected Writing, no. 5
A Blade of Grass, short story, published in Story Magazine, Aug. 1936
Caput Mortuum, short story, published in Harper's Bazaar, June 1941
Dress Rehearsal, short story, published in Mademoiselle, April 1943
The Gateway to India, short story, published in Eastern Horizon, Dec. 1961
Heart of Marzipan, short story, published in Mademoiselle, Oct. 1943
Hiroshima Man, article, published in The Mennonite, 25 May 1965
Horse with Hoof of Fire, short story, published in The New Mexico Quarterly Review, 1945
Let's Remember Together, short story, published in Good Housekeeping, May 194
Lili Died in April, short story, published in Lovat Dickson's Magazine, Vol.3, no. 6, Dec. 1934
The Melody, short story, published in Mademoiselle, Feb. 1945
Nature's Child, short story, published in The Reader's Digest, Sept. 1944
The Open Mouth, short story, published in Harper's Bazaar, July 1943
The Pagan, short story, published in Harper's Bazaar, July 1944
The Sorrow of Ape-in-pants, short story, published in American Dialog, 1964
The Survivors of the Bombs, article, published in the New Statesman, 2 Aug 1958
Survivors of the Bombs, article, published in Opinion, 1961
Young Man in an Astrakhan Cap, short story, published in Harper's Bazaar, Dec. 1942