English, asked by sonipurushottam2905, 9 months ago

Edit following paragraphs
Soon Rajesh came to know that his father (No error)
was injure. He immediately rushed to hospital. (a)
He found that his friends have already reached (b)
their. His friends told him that his father was (C )
going to the nearby temple and was hitted by (d)
a motorcycle. They was standing by a shop. His (e)
father was immediately rush to the hospital. Doctors (f)
tell that he was out of danger. Rajesh thanked the God (g)
and all of his friend. (h)

Advertisements are the source of information (No error)
about new business products. They helps a lot (a)
the companies also to increased their sale but (b)
many times, these becomes a headache also (C )
for the consumers. There repetition irritates (d)
all. Their false promises misguides people.Many (e)
cosmetic companies claims to make people (f)
fair, but in most cases their users ends with a face (g)
full of pimples. Large number of people has affected (h)
by these advertisements.

It is the rainy season. All around the sky there (No error)
is only clouds. The small drops of rain are (a)
falling on the earth. Rays of the Sun are be (b)
restricted by clouds. Plants is dancing as if (C )
these raindrops are already known by them. (d)
Clouds in the sky are running like childrens (e)
in a street. Everyone has happy. Birds, animals (f)
and human beings are rejoice. The warmth of the (g)
Sun will be defeat by the cold wind. (h)​


Answered by pmahathi


In 1.(e)-hi friends was immediately rushed to the hospital

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