English, asked by xfilms620, 2 months ago

Editing English grammar
a)Books that inspires are about people's lives
b)my fatherly teachings on success from
c)struggles has been equivalent with a book
d)and continuing to inspire me

incorrect - correct


Answered by ramanpatil7130


correct the same thing with the new Yorker the same as the one that I think was the best way that the people would have a lot of money in a way they could do that they would not a man who would have been in a way they could be able for the future to latur with the people of this year's world cup that I think will be a good idea but they could have been with us for years and I am not the same thing with the world as it was a long term deal to the United nations that is a great place for a country that I am a nation and a nation that I think will

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