Education has always been a noble profession.our ancestors recieved their learning at gurukuls and ashrams.even in the near past pathsalhas(schools) were associated with places of worship.
Today education is fast becoming commercialised. Parents have to shell out a lot of money on coaching classes, tutors etc.write an article in 150-200 words on the The state of education are Karan/karuna
Education has always been a noble profession.
Even in the recent past schools were associated with places of worship and teachers were revered like priests. Emphasis used to be on moral education. The purpose of education used to be turning out physically, mentally and morally balanced young men. But it is a matter of regret that today education is fast becoming commercialized. There is a mushroom growth of academies and tution centres. Their purpose is only to make money.
Students have a feeling that they are not well - prepared to sit in the competitive examinations unless they take coaching from one or the other coaching centres. When they go to those centres, very happy fee is charged from them, sometimes forty to fifty thousand rupees for one subject.
Education is in very bad state. The policy makers and the chairpersons of universities and boards too are not very serious about the purpose of education. The universities turn out every year thousands of young persons who are unskilled degree holders, who are unable to get employment. It is the duty of the government to take active interest in the improvement of education system. The present education system must be changed.
Education should make people employable and good human beings.
#Be Brainly.
Education has always been a noble profession.
Even in the recent past schools were associated with places of worship and teachers were revered like priests. Emphasis used to be on moral education. The purpose of education used to be turning out physically, mentally and morally balanced young men. But it is a matter of regret that today education is fast becoming commercialized. There is a mushroom growth of academies and tution centres. Their purpose is only to make money.
Students have a feeling that they are not well - prepared to sit in the competitive examinations unless they take coaching from one or the other coaching centres. When they go to those centres, very happy fee is charged from them, sometimes forty to fifty thousand rupees for one subject.