English, asked by marananrhiane, 7 months ago

effect of a healthy Barangay ​


Answered by Anonymous

The Barangay Health Volunteer, also known as Barangay Health Worker, is a category of health care providers in the Philippines. They undergo a basic training program under an accredited government or non-government organization, and render primary care services in the community.

Answered by ushasingh9191

PIP: Balayan municipality is comprised of 48 barangays, each with its own action plan for a Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning-assisted project. Each barangay is comprised of 5-10 clusters. 345 active community volunteer health workers help to implement a range of health projects at the barangay or municipality level in Balayan municipality. Organized as a formal entity governed by a board of directors which meets twice monthly to make decisions upon monthly operations, these volunteers serve the people in the clusters in which they live, with all volunteers in a barangay working in cooperation with each other. They help rural health midwives, weigh infants and pre-school children for the nutrition program, train old and new volunteers, work upon income-generating activities for women's groups, provide family planning and reproductive health services to women of reproductive age, and conduct community-based monitoring of family planning, health, sanitation, and the environment. Community health workers also support the monthly themes of the national health program, help organize community activities, and are involved in the municipal clean and green program.

hope it's helpful to you.....

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