Economy, asked by jainmeeth97gmailcom, 2 months ago

effect of population explosin is​


Answered by rishikameshram08


Population explosion leads to environmental degradation. Higher birth rate brings more pollution, more toxic wastes and damage to biosphere. Briefly speaking, population explosion hinders the economic development.

Answered by presentmoment

Effects of population explosion can be economic, personal, social, mental, etc.​  


The effects of population explosion can be understood in the following manner:  

  • Population explosion means more people meaning more human resources. But on the other hand, it also means a requirement of more resources, more space, more money, and more goods and services.
  • It results in more pollution, overutilization of resources, chaos, and a fight for survival.
  • It also results in more growth as the working population might increase but that again requires more resources.
  • For a developing country, it is a big problem.
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