Chemistry, asked by rakshitdhyani23, 1 year ago

Effects of air pollution in living and non living thing in points


Answered by Abhishekstar
here your answer
t the top of the food chain end up with the largest concentrations of toxins in their bodies. (see References 2)

Water Pollution

Water is a necessity of life. People and animals need clean drinking water. Farmers need water to irrigate crops. People enjoy using lakes and rivers for recreation. Unfortunately, this precious resource is easily contaminated by agricultural runoff, mining activities, waste treatment plants and improperly disposed-of industrial waste.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency monitors 80 different contaminants that may affect drinking water. Microbial contaminants include bacteria and viruses. Most people can fight off the microbial contaminants, however, people with compromised immune systems can get dangerously ill. Contaminants like solvents, pesticides, radium and arsenic are more sinister. This type of pollution can cause long-term health problems for people. Wildlife can also die from exposure. (See References 3)


Litter is unsightly and dangerous. It often consists of plastic, metal or glass — materials that do not break down easily in the environment. People, especially children, can be seriously injured by a broken bottle or a rusty piece of discarded metal. Medical and sanitary wastes are biohazards that can make people sick. Litter also destroys the beauty of parks and beaches, making people avoid these areas.

Litter is deadly to wildlife, especially marine animals. Street litter washes into storm drains, into our waterways and ultimately ends up in the ocean. Some of this litter washes back up onto beaches. Some stays in the water, where it can kill wildlife. Entanglement causes animals to die slowly. Birds are particularly susceptible to entanglement as they collect material for their nests. A curious animal that ingests litter can die of starvation or malnutrition if the foreign object blocks the animal's intestinal tract. Litter can also smother and damage seabeds. Toxic substances from litter also accumulates in fish, exposing the people and animals further up the food chain to these pollutants.

Soil Contamination

Soil contamination consists of either liquid or solid particles mixed with soil. The contaminants may be physically attached to the soil particles or they may be in the spaces between the soil particles. Contamination results when hazardous substances are spilled or buried in the soil. It can also occur when pollutants settle on the soil, such as chemicals or waste from an industrial smokestack.

Plants grown in contaminated soil take up the hazardous substances through their roots. Humans or animals that ingest these plants may get sick. People and animals can also inhale soil contaminants through dust that is present in the air or absorb these hazardous chemicals through their skin. (See References 4) A 20-year study published in the "American Journal of Epidemiology" found that people exposed to dioxin in soil experienced a higher rate of diabetes as well as cardiovascular and endocrine problems over the course of the study (see References 5).

Answered by kaurmanjot139
Well first of all it will effect our health as most of the air pollution is mostly composed of carbon
This may cause cancer in humans

These days, there is a lot of noise pollution too
This may cause a permanent or temporary impairment of hearing and also we may not able to concentrate on our work

It may also damage the plants and the water may get polluted and reach the plants and the pollutants may damage it

In India the main occupation of people is farming and the first requirement for this is land
The farming have been using a lot of pesticides and fertilizers that have caused soil erosion
Due to this the soil has lost fertility and is now not capable of framing
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