effects of global warming on humans
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Global warming can severely affect the health of living beings. Excess heat can cause stress which may lead to blood pressure and heart diseases. Crop failures and famines, which are a direct consequence of heating up of earth, can cause a decline in human body resistance to viruses and infections. Global warming may also transfer various diseases to other regions as people will shift from regions of higher temperatures to regions of comparatively lower temperatures. Warmer oceans and other surface waters may lead to severe cholera outbreaks and harmful infections in some types of sea food [11]. Fig. 6 An assessment of the relative impact and risks connected with global warming. Five categories are assessed. The bars are colour-coded to show level of impact/concern for each factor as a function of temperature increase [9] kidney Moreover, it is an established fact that warmer temperatures lead to dehydration which is a major cause of stones. A medical team from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia examined the health proceedings of more than 60,000 Americans alongside weather records. They discovered that individuals were most likely to be hospitalized with kidney stones three days after a temperature rise. Since 1994, kidney stone incidence has risen from about one in 20 people to one in 11. This trend is likely to increase as the globe gets hotter. According to Luis Ostrosky, M.D. of the Division of Infectious Diseases at The University of Texas Health Science Centre at Houston Medical School and medical director for epidemiology at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Centre: “One infection that is definitely making a weird pattern is valley fever”. In his words, “This is a fungal infection we used to see only in California, Arizona, New Mexico and a little in Texas, but last year we found it for the first time in Washington State.”This potentially deadly condition caused apprehension in California when the number of cases increased drastically during 2010 and 2011. Valley fever infections have been on the rise, probably because of warming climates and drought causing dust storms. Dry soil and wind can carry spores that spread the virus. Hotter and drier climates are projected to increase the amount of dusting carrying this disease. Researchers have already noticed a rise in mosquito-borne disease like dengue fever and malaria due to warmer and longer summers. Perhaps the most prominent mosquito-borne disease, West Nile Virus, has already experienced a sharp increase in annual cases. According to the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the summer of 2012 was the nastiest West Nile season on record,. The likely reason was that summer's scorching heat and drought. Lyme disease is another dangerous disease which is transmitted mainly through bites from certain tick species [12]. Fig. 8 describes in the form of a block diagram that how alterations in global climate can affect human health. The bitterest fact is that it can cause various diseases and deprive human beings of the food.