effects of lockdown on children due to pendemic pharahgraph
In response to COVID-19 outbreak, Indian government recently announced lockdown of 21 d which surely is going to reduce the transmission rate of SARS-CoV-2. However, this lockdown has restricted people to stay at home which is likely to impact their physical as well as mental health. Especially vulnerable to this are children. Particularly those whose parents are either affected by COVID-19 or are rendering their services in hospitals or those who are affected or had exposure to this virus and quarantined therefore. It has been found that children staying at home due to lockdown spend more time in front of TV and internet which can lead to psycho-social problems, like lower self-esteem [1]. Excess use of internet can lead to internet addiction disorder. Some can also experience cyberbullying which can affect their mental health. Moreover, spending more time inside the house makes children vulnerable to effects of indoor pollution which can affect their brain development leading to limited development of cognitive abilities
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