English, asked by sahilbhatt447, 1 year ago

effects of uneducated parents on their children


Answered by tlogung80


In today's s competitive world education is becoming very important for every person who are  living on this planet earth, because education give a person to understand how to live a good life and it show the way of living.

Therefore, now a days education is very important for every human being to live standard life and it is very important for the students have educated parents. Because educated parents can understand the important of  the education.


In anyhow we find that an educated parents are far better than the uneducated parents in the field of education , because as we know an educated person can truly understand the requirement of a student. On the other hand uneducated person will never know the important of education. Hence, it directly effects on their children because they don't know how to give their children a good education, but it is not their fault also because they were never been a school in their life. So for a student sometime it become a problems for them to have an uneducated parents.

It effects in many ways in a life of a student first of all they don't get any advice from their parents in the field of education, uneducated parents never encourage their children for further study because they don't know the important of the education. They are not ready to spend money on their children for further study, they think that it is a waste of  money. So in this way students those who want to further study they don't get support from their parents. In parents day also most of the the students feel upset those who have uneducated parents because their parents did not agreed to came on their school rather they would like to go on other work.

Therefore, it is very important to have education in our life not only for parents for the growing students also because we all are also gonna be parents one day.

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