Environmental Sciences, asked by nilamap96, 6 months ago

eg. ploughing the field - plough or spade
1) Weeding
2) Watering (irrigating )
3) Sowing
4) Ripening of grains
5) Harvesting grains
Recognizes the simple features of roots,flowers and fruits
Answer the following questions in brief.
List of vegetables and fruits is given below.
Classify into 'that gets rotten easily' and 'that stay fresh
(sweet potatoes, apples, tomatoes, custard apple, strawbe
garlic, spinach, gooseberry,brinjal)
Gets rotten easily​


Answered by avigupta8828


cajshis shajsjvsis shsgsisvjsys shsjsvsjshod dhskdvdnkd

Answered by Sidra00


The following is a list of local tools/implements found in various regions of ... 1. Plough: Tillage is the basic operation in farming. ... 2. Kudali: Used for digging and weeding operations (Fig.

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