egg sandwich
Q18. I) Write name of each developmental stage in life cycle of silk
II)Explain how silk thread is obtained from cocoons of silk moth?
III) Give reason of the following :-
a. You do not get hurt when you get a haircut.
b. Wool trap more air than cotton.
silk is a natural fibre which comes from the cocoons of silkworms ,which are the larvae of the mulberry ,silk moth bombyx mori . Inside the cocoon ,the silkworm chamges into a pupa ,the stage between larvae and adult moths .after around two weeks ,the pupa emerges from the cocoon as an adult moth .
life cycle of silk moth
firstly adult moths mate together
then female moth lays eggs
then a caterpillar hatches out
it feeds on mulberry leaves
then it secrete out a thread like structure from its mouth and then it covers itself up with it
then it converts to a pupa
now the pupa is put into a boiling water to remove the thread
now we get the silk
1 we don't get hurt in a haircut because our hair are not alive they are b
made up of protien called keratin but if we pluck out a hair by roots it hurts as the grow from the skin
2wool has tiny are holes which are a bad conductor of air