English, asked by divychhajed77, 8 months ago

einstein synonyms of Genius justify the statement 150 words?
class 9th englisg​


Answered by smartbrainz

A Truly beautiful Mind gives a brief sketch of the life and accomplishments of the great genius Albert Einstein, and reveals that exceptional  personalities with extraordinary intellectual capabilities are not necessarily observed during the initial years. The author focuses on 2 facets of Einstein’s personality – as a human being and as a scientist. As a scientist, Einstein's marvelous discoveries created a revolution and as a human being, Einstein worked towards democracy and peace in the world.


  • Albert Einstein has been portrayed as a great intellectual genius and a peace-loving human being with liberal ideas. As an intellectual, he created a revolution in the field of science, particularly physics. As a genius, he made an immense contribution to the world of science by presenting startling theories
  • In 1915, he published a new explanation of gravity on his "General Theory of Relativity." Einstein has estimated accurately in advance how far the light from fixed stars would be discharged into the gravitational field of the sun. Einstein was awarded the Physics Nobel Prize in 1921. He was showered with awards, invites and praised by the press from all over the world.
  • The scale of the damage deeply disturbed Einstein. He wrote this time a long letter to the UN. He indicated that world government should be built in it. Einstein was becoming more and more politically active in the campaign for peace and democracy, using his popularity. When Einstein was 76 years old in 1955. When Einstein died in 1955 at the age of 76. he was celebrated as a visionary and world citizen as much as a scientific genius.

To know more

justify the title a truly beautiful mind - Brainly.in


Answered by 6954treesa


    Einstein was not only the scientist who brought ‘a  scientific revolution’ but also a gifted amateur violinist  and political thinker. Unlike other children, he started  speaking after the age of two-and-a-half. He uttered  the first sentence when one night, he broke his silence  to say, “The soup is too hot.” His prodigious penchant  towards mechanical toys was revealed when he looked  at his newborn sister, Maja, and said: “Fine, but  where are her wheels?”

    Einstein’s ‘Special Theory of Relativity’, which  states that time and distance are not absolute, was a  ground-breaking finding. His General Theory of Relativity, published in 1915,  provided a new interpretation of gravity. An eclipse of  the sun in 1919 proved that the theory was accurate.  Einstein had correctly calculated in advance the extent  to which the light from fixed stars would be deflected  through the sun’s gravitational field. The newspapers  proclaimed his work as “a scientific revolution.” Einstein  received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. He also  expressed his concern to Franklin D Roosevelt against  the atom bomb. He had also written to United Nations  to form a world government to conserve peace and  democracy in the world. Hence, Einstein is certainly a  synonym for genius

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