Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat - Slogan Writing on Cleanliness Of Sikkim
the lesson name is the "The skipping shoes" ok

Slogan On Cleanliness Of Sikkim In English
Hello Friend, In this post “Slogan On Cleanliness Of Sikkim In English & Hindi“, we will read about the Slogan on Cleanliness Of Sikkim In English & Hindi both languages. So…
Let’s Start…
Slogan On Cleanliness Of Sikkim In English
“Sikkim is the clean city
which makes it pretty
fresh air its identity
which makes it a beautiful city”.
“The song of love and peace is
embedded deep in our heart
watching the beautiful mountains,
this is how our day starts”.
“Fresh air, clean environment
Green Forests, snow white
mountain makes sikkim
cleanliness environment”.
“A clean city starts from you
put waste in the right place
cleanliness is half of the faith
which makes Sikkim great”.
“Cleanliness counts Everywhere
clean the city gives pure air
Sikkim is the great example
which is the cleanliness city here”.
“Let our Sikkim be developed,
clean Sikkim is ours”.
“Sikkim will be clean and healthy
Only then will Sikkim move forward”.
“Fellow handshake,
To drive away from the filth from Sikkim“.