एक गाँव में एक आठ साल का बच्चा अपनी दादी के साथ रहता था | उनके पास एक बगीचा था जिनकी दादी देखभाल किया करती थी | एक बार दादी बीमार पड़ गयी और चलने फिरने में भी असमर्थ हो गयी तो उन्होंने अपने लाडले पोते को बुलाकर कहा बेटा ” तुम बगीचे के पेड़ पौधों का ख्याल रखना ” पोते ने अपनी दादी से वादा किया कि पेड़ पोधो का ख्याल रखेगा |
कुछ समय बाद जब दादी स्वस्थ हो गयी तो उसके बाद जब बगीचे में जाकर उसने देखा तो पता चला बहुत से पौधे खत्म हो चुके थे और बहुत पौधे सूख गये थे इस पर उन्होंने अपने पोते से प्यार भरी नाराजगी जताते हुए कहा बेटा तुमने अपना वादा सही से नहीं निभाया तुमने तो कहा था तुम पोधो का ध्यान रखोगे जबकि ये तो सूख गये है | लड़के ने रोते हुए कहा दादी मैं तो रोज देखभाल करता था और रोज पतियों को पोंछा करता था और रोटी के टुकड़े पौधो पर रख दिया करता था | फिर भी वे सूख गये |
दादी ने कहा “बेटा पेड़ो की जड़ो ने रोटी रखने से या पोंछ देने से पेड़ नहीं बढ़ते वो तो इतने शक्तिशाली होते है कि धरती से अपने आप पोषण ले लेते है हमे बस उनकी जड़ों में पानी डालना होता है |” इसलिए तुम्हे इनकी जड़ों में पानी डालना चाहिए था | लड़का सोच में पड़ गया और उसने पुछा ” दादी मनुष्य की जड़े कन्हा होती है ?” इस पर दादी ने कहा कि मनुष्य की जड़े उसके साहस व भुजाओ में होती है इसलिए यदि इनको रोजाना पोषण नहीं मिलेगा तो हम कभी ताकतवर नहीं बन पाते | write the same story in english please help me guys
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once in an village an eight year boy lived with his grandmother. they had a garden which was looked after by his grandmother. One day his grandmother became ill and she was unable to walk around and do work so she called his grandson( the boy) and said" please look after these trees and plants in the garden." The boy promised to look after the plants and trees.
After some time when his grandmother became healthy. She walked to the garden and saw the conditions of the garden. the condition was some of the plants were finished and many of they had dried up. After seeing this she asked her grandson in lovingly anger voice" you have not retain your promise. You promised me to look after the plants but they have dried up." The boy cried " I used to wipe all the plants and give them pieces of chhapati but then too they have dried up."
Then grandmother said" wiping the leaves and giving the roots of trees chappati does not help the trees and plants. Trees are soo strong that they themselves take nutrients from the soil. We only need to water them regularly and that's it you only had to water them."
The boy was left thinking and then he asked his grandmother " where are the roots of human beings?" For this grandmother replied "The roots of human beings are in their braveness and their arms so if they will not get proper nutrition they will also be finished....
After some time when his grandmother became healthy. She walked to the garden and saw the conditions of the garden. the condition was some of the plants were finished and many of they had dried up. After seeing this she asked her grandson in lovingly anger voice" you have not retain your promise. You promised me to look after the plants but they have dried up." The boy cried " I used to wipe all the plants and give them pieces of chhapati but then too they have dried up."
Then grandmother said" wiping the leaves and giving the roots of trees chappati does not help the trees and plants. Trees are soo strong that they themselves take nutrients from the soil. We only need to water them regularly and that's it you only had to water them."
The boy was left thinking and then he asked his grandmother " where are the roots of human beings?" For this grandmother replied "The roots of human beings are in their braveness and their arms so if they will not get proper nutrition they will also be finished....
i will mark it as brainlist
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