Hindi, asked by dhanyakalai, 1 year ago

एक महान ऋषि हुए ! उनका हृदय बड़ा उदार और कृपालु था ! वृक्ष काटना और मृग मारना पाप था ! उनकी तृण की एक कुटिया थी ! नृप-सहित सबका आदर करना उनकी आदत थी ! उनकी एक गाय थी जिसका घृत अमृत सदृश था ! कृषक और कृषि पर उनकी परम कृपा थी !

Please translate this for my first standard daughter.. I know lil hindi only. 
thanks in adv...


Answered by manvirsaini96
Here is the translation-
There was a great saint
His heart was very kind and indulgent
Killing deer and Cutting trees was a sin
He owned a hut made up of sticks
Respecting everyone was his habit
He had a cow whose milk was like nectar
He has a grace on farmer and farming.

dhanyakalai: What is meant by तृण?
pravin3103: तृण means grass i think
Answered by pravin3103
There was a great sage. His heart was very generous and indulgent. Cutting trees and killing deers was sin. He had a hut made up of grass . It was his habit to respect all including  king.He had a cow whose milk was like nectar. He had a supreme grace on farmers and agriculture.

dhanyakalai: what is meant by घृत ? milk or ghee?
pravin3103: ऋषि की कुटिया किस चीज की बनी थी? means Saint's hut was made up from what ?
pravin3103: घृत means melted butter
pravin3103: घृत means ghee
dhanyakalai: ok thanks :)
pravin3103: u r welcome
dhanyakalai: how many questions can i ask in brainly.in? is there any rules? am new to this site..
pravin3103: You can ask any question for 10 points. As long as u have points, u can ask questions
dhanyakalai: once the points are over, cant i ask more questions? then how do i earn points?
pravin3103: once the points are over, u cant ask questions until u get some points. You can get points by answering qustions .You also get 5 points on ur first log in daily
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