एक्सप्लेन द इफ़ेक्ट ऑफ़ कोविड-19
In talking with your children about COVID-19, it’s important to first and foremost ensure that you have an open and supportive environment where children know they can ask questions. However, it’s equally important not to force children to talk about things unless and until they’re ready.
In answering questions, be honest. Children will usually know, or eventually, find out if you’re “making things up.” This can affect their ability to trust you in the future and to be reassured.
For younger children, consider their age and developmental level. Children may ask the same question multiple times either because they are struggling to understand the concept or as a way of seeking reassurance.
Also in answering your children’s questions, it is important not to dismiss their feelings or fears. In listening to these fears, try to acknowledge as well as validate their thoughts and feelings.