एका दुकानदाराने एकूण 50 वस्तू खरेदी केल्या. त्यातील शेकडा 4 वस्तू वाहतूक करताना बाद झाल्या, तरीही त्यास 6
वस्तूंच्या खरेदीइतका नफा झाला, तर शेकडा किती नफा झाला ?
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Say each item costs x rupees.
So 50 items cost 50x rupees.
Now because of droppage there are only 46 items.
Hence CP per item increases to 50x/46.
The Profit = CP of 6 items
= 300x/46 and the SP being CP+Profit
= 2300x/46 +300x/46
Profit/CP ×100 = Profit% = 300/2300 ×100 =13.04%.
2nd Method: He bought 50 articles but sold only 46. But still he got a profit worth 6 articles ie his SP is worth 46+6=52. Hence 6/46×100=13.04%
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