Hindi, asked by oreo12345, 5 months ago

एकदा एकः राजपुत्रः नद्यां स्नानाय आगच्छत्। सः स्वकीयं
स्वर्णहारं वस्त्राणाम् उपरि अस्थापयत्। 'अरे किम् एतत्।
काक: स्वर्णहारं नीत्वा सर्पस्य बिलस्य उपरि अक्षिपत्।'
राजपुत्रस्य सैनिकाः सर्वम् इदम् अपश्यन्। ते राजपुत्रं तत्
वृत्तान्तमकथयन्। ततः
राजपुत्रस्य आदेशेन
सैनिकाः सर्पस्य
बिलं खन्तुमचिन्तयन्।
plz help me I can't understand sanskrit plz right in eng ​


Answered by prathameshgovilkar1


If you don't understand Sanskrit, I will help you, it's very easy.

Translation of the paragraph: Once upon a time, a prince came to a river for bath. He spread his golden necklace upon clothes. “Alas, what was that?” The crow took the golden necklace and threw it on the burrow of a snake. The guards of the prince saw all this. They told it to the prince. Then, with the prince's order, they thought of digging the snake's burrow.

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