Elaborate what is Survey Method and experimental method
Difference between Survey and Experiment
1. Survey :
Survey refers to the way of gathering information regarding a variable under study from all or a specified number of respondents of the universe. Surveys are carried out by maintaining a structured form of data collection, through interview, questionnaire, case study etc. In surveys prepared questions are asked from the prepared formal questionnaire set and the output is collected in the same form.
For example – Survey among the students about the new education policy of India.
2. Experiment :
Experiments refers to the way of experimenting something practically with the help of scientific procedure/approach and the outcome is observed. Experiments are carried out by performing the experiments by following scientific procedure or scientific approach. In experiments the investigator/examiner performs tests or experiments based on various factors and observes the outcome of the experiment.
For example – Experiment in the chemistry laboratory by a group of students and faculties specific to a topic.
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