Environmental Sciences, asked by ranjanmah7440, 1 year ago

Elcution. Malayalam. About environment protection


Answered by Aashu06

Explanation:If you are painting your house, use latex paint, as oil-based paints release hydrocarbon fumes.

Instead of using your personal vehicle, go for bike or public transport. Vehicle traffic is a major contributor to noise pollution and also to smog.

Try to use less fertilizer or use organic fertilizers instead because when it rains, fertilizers drain into streams along with rain water.

Don’t trash the streams instead do volunteering with other groups in cleaning them on regular basis.

While using washing machines, try to load it full or adjust the water level according to the load. Washing machines use almost 40 gallons of water.

Use bucket for washing cars or other vehicles, instead of hose. Because the water running from hose while you are working wastes a lot of water.

Set the sprinkler in the lawn instead of watering it as that will be helpful in saving water.

Close the tap while brushing, washing or bathing when it is not in use. 5 gallons of water goes to drain every minute the water runs from faucet.

Try to conserve energy by switching off the lights, fans and other electrical appliances when not in use. This will also help in reducing your bill to a much greater extent.

If you have mercury thermometer, replace it with the digital one. Mercury is a major pollutant and is non-degradable which moves up to the food chain and causes serious health issues.

Thinking about taking a paper bag or plastic from shop? Better yet, take your own canvas bag to the grocery shop and reuse it each time you go for shopping.

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