English, asked by ShahKushal, 11 months ago

Elderly carpenter wants to retire---- employer ask him to build one last house ---- carpenter does a poor job ---- he thinks he no longer needs to impress the employer or the customer----- work is over ---- employer inspects the house and hand over the key to the carpenter saying that it is his gift for the carpenter---- carpenter shocked -----he regrets not having done a good job​


Answered by PranshiShah


The poor carpenter

Once upon a time there was a carpenter. The carpenter was very poor. However with increase in age he decided to retire from his work. The employer decided to built a house. As a result of this he decided that he will somehow make the house without proper designing and proper construction methods.

He did the work  as soon as possible so that he can retire fast and give time to his family. But after he finished the work he was surprised the employer who used to scold him a lot decided to gift the house to the carpenter. Now that he has already built the house there was no way to reject the offer made by the employer.

He had to leave the rest of his life in the  house which was unable to give protection to him against the strong heat and the the cyclonic outbreak.

Moral: We should always be true to our work.

To know more about story writing

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Answered by devarchanc

Story Writing


Once upon a time, there was a carpenter. The carpenter was very poor and old. He decided to retire from his work. The employer wanted the carpenter to built one more house. So he asked the carpenter to build one last house.

The carpenter did very poor job.  Because he wanted to retire as soon as possible. He thought he no longer needs to impress the employer or the customer as it was going to be his last work.

One he completed the work. The employer came to see the work. And he gave the keys of house to carpenter told the carpenter that it's a gift for the carpenter. He was shocked and immediately felt regret on what he has done. He regrets for not doing a good job.

Moral of the story - Never do the poor work, you don't know what the future holds for you.

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