electric switch
Which of these can you do without adult supervision?
a) cut vegetables
b) set off firecrackers
alread a book
d) swim
2. Which of these is dangerous to touch with wet hands?
a) ladder
b) mop
d) matchbo
3. While on the road you should not
a) walk on the footpath
b) follow the traffic lights
un across the road
d) cross the road at a zebra cro
4. If someone is injured or sick, you should
a) call a doctor b) comfort them c)
5. In which of these situations will you help on your own?
a) a deep cut bya nosebleed c) a serious burn d) all of
avoid crowding dan
of t
Stuff a large handkerchief or some crumpled
newspaper into an empty glass or jar. Make sure
the handkerchief won’t fall out when you turn the
glass upside down.
Then, fill a pot with water. Holding the glass so
that its mouth is down, put the glass deep into the
pot of water and hold it there. After a minute or
two, pull the glass out of the water and remove the
You will see that: The handkerchief is dry.
Explanation: Water cannot fill the glass because
the glass is already ~lled with air. The “empty”
glass is full of air. So, air takes up space.
Air is a gas. It has no size or shape of its own but
will fill every space it can.
Place a funnel in the neck of an empty soda bottle.
Pack clay around the neck of the bottle so that there is
no space between the bottle and the funnel.
Pour water into the funnel. Notice what happens.
Then take the clay off the bottle and funnel.
You will see that: While the clay is there, the water
remains in the funnel or enters the bottle only in slow
spurts. When the clay is removed, the water flows
freely into the bottle.
Explanation: The clay seals the neck of the bottle
outside of the funnel. When water flows into the
funnel, the air cannot escape except by going through
the water very slowly. The air in the bottle takes up
space and prevents the water from coming in. When
the clay is removed and air is able to leave around the
neck of the bottle, then water can flow in. This proves
which of these can you do without adult supervision