Science, asked by idkidkidklikki, 6 months ago

Electrolysis is the process of breaking down an ionic substance using ———————.
The substance that undergoes break down is called the —————-.
The conducting liquids that breakdown contain charged particles called ————-.
Electrolysis is carried out in an apparatus called the ——————-. The electrolytic cell
consists of two electrodes. The electrode connected to the positive terminal is called the
————. The electrode that is connected to the negative terminal is called the
—————-. During electrolysis , the positive ions travel to the ————-electrode. The
negative ions travel to the —————— electrode.


Answered by amas53004091


Electrolysis is the process by which ionic substances are decomposed (broken down) into simpler substances when an electric current is passed through them. Electricity is the flow of electrons or ions. For electrolysis to work, the compound must contain ions.


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Answered by Anonymous


Monetized benefits included reductions in medical costs and mortality associated with diarrheal diseases, productive time saved from fewer diarrhoea cases and accessing outside defecation options, and increase in the property value of having a toilet

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