An electrolyte is a chemical compound that dissociates into ions and hence is capable of transporting electric charge - i.e. an electrolyte is an electric conductor; unlike metals the flow of charge is not a flow of electrons, but is a movement of ions.
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When some substances are dissolved in water, they undergo either a physical or a chemical change that yields ions in solution. These substances constitute an important class of compounds called electrolytes. Substances that do not yield ions when dissolved are called nonelectrolytes. If the physical or chemical process that generates the ions is essentially 100% efficient (all of the dissolved compound yields ions), then the substance is known as a strong electrolyte. If only a relatively small fraction of the dissolved substance undergoes the ion-producing process, it is called a weak electrolyte.
Substances may be identified as strong, weak, or nonelectrolytes by measuring the electrical conductance of an aqueous solution containing the substance. To conduct electricity, a substance must contain freely mobile, charged species. Most familiar is the conduction of electricity through metallic wires, in which case the mobile, charged entities are electrons. Solutions may also conduct electricity if they contain dissolved ions, with conductivity increasing as ion concentration increases. Applying a voltage to electrodes immersed in a solution permits assessment of the relative concentration of dissolved ions, either quantitatively, by measuring the electrical current flow, or qualitatively, by observing the brightness of a light bulb included in the circuit
means that electrolytes is chemically compound substance that can dissolve into ions( positively charge eletrons) that they capable of transferring electricity charged particle and unlike metals is a flow of charge ( positive and negative charges) not a flow of electrons and also they are a movement of ions