“Electrons revolving in stationary orbits are not stationary”. ----- Explain.
when electrons revolve in stationary orbits, there is no change in energy level
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There is no change in energy level.
This is exactly why the Rutherford Model failed.
The Rutherford model likened the atom to that of the solar system, with the nucleus being the star of the system and the electrons the planets.
But the moment this theory got out, it fell right there itself. While the equations Rutherford gave out to describe the model mathematically where very well put, it failed in providing an explanation as to why electrons didn't radiate energy.
According to Maxwell's Equations, a changing electric field gives a magnetic field, the weakening of which goes on to produce another electric field and vice-versa. The situation here was the same. As the electron revolved around the nucleus, the electric field around the nucleus would continuously keep changing, and hence would the magnetic field giving rise to electromagnetic waves. This was unexplainable by Rutherford's Model.
Bohr then later on made an assumption. Apparently, he guessed what if there was a "stable state", a state where the electrons seem to be at inertia even when they are in reality revolving around the nucleus. My assumption was that since Einstein said that the reality of an object feeling gravity was due to a "bend" in spacetime which meant that the object was in reality inert all the time, maybe Bohr thought there was something more Quantum Mechanical in the same sense, and then went on to assume this limiting number was nh4π where n implied the "quantum number" or the shell number from the central nucleus about which the electron resides "inert". The pure guess work of Bohr ended up being right, with de-Broglie going on to prove that the assumption works if one thinks of the orbit of the electron on the shell as a standing wave.
We now know that in reality, the electron doesn't have an actual point in space of residence but instead continuously keeps being "fuzzy" around the nucleus, with the "shell" concept still working but with a different implication. The reality that an electron doesn't exist itself until made to eject itself from the nucleus potential well is what ensures that the electron doesn't radiate energy. If you still believe that instead of the electron not being there, you insist that the electron "teleports" randomly around the nucleus at that particular shell, then the explanation would be that each time the electron appears giving a change in electric and magnetic field and hence an EM wave, the electron then "teleports" to another point such that it ends up absorbing the wave, effectively never even producing it.