electrostatic precipitator can remove once 99 percentage particulate matter present in exhaust from a terminal power plant .how
Effectiveness. Electrostatic precipitators are extremely effevtive, and are capable of removing more than 99% of particulate matter. ... Additionally, precipitator effectiveness is also determined by the temperature and moisture content of the flue gas
At its most basic, an electrostatic precipitator is an air purification tool that uses electrostatic force to grab and hold dust and other particles. ... The particles that have been collected are then shaken loose, scraped off, or washed away, and disposed of in a safe and environmentally-friendly manner.
Plate precipitator/corona
If the applied voltage is high enough, an electric corona discharge ionizes the air around the electrodes, which then ionizes the particles in the air stream. The ionized particles, due to the electrostatic force, are diverted towards the grounded plates.