ello ✌️
expand HTML??
• Information on the World Wide Web is stored on Websites.
• This type of file is created using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML).
• HTML is the basic language or scheme using markup tags in which structured web pages are created.
• The tags tell the browser how the information has to be formatted and displayed.
• You can view an HTML file as a web page only in a Web browser. All browsers can understand and interpret HTML.
• HTML consists of tags, each of which conveys a special meaning to the browser.
• Each tag is normally paired with a starting and ending tag. The ending tag has a placed before the tag name.
• For example: <HTML> <HTML> are the outermost tags inside which all other tags have to be included.
• The browser understands everything inside the <HTML>.</HTML> tags to be an HTML document HTML 5.0 is the latest version of HTML which is used for developing web pages today.
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