Ello guys!!♥️
➡️➡️Explain the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle..
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Heisenberg, a German scientist stated the principle of uncertainty which is a consequence of dual nature of matter and waves. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to find the position and momentum (velocity) of an electron at the same moment.
If we know the position of an electron with high accuracy then its velocity will be uncertain. Similarly, if the velocity of an electron is known precisely then its position will be uncertain. The exact picture for both, momentum and position will never be clear. This is the main concept for the principle of uncertainty.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a rule in quantum mechanics.
It states that there is a fundamental limit to how well you can simultaneously know the position and momentum (where momentum is classically mass times velocity) of a particle. ... Basically the measurement does not necessarily cause the uncertainty.