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Write a descriptive essay on the topic "The Cow".
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The Cow
The cow is a domestic animal. It is one of the most useful and important domestic animal since very long period of time. She gives us milk, which is very nutritious. And her calf, when he grows up to be ox, he is very useful in agricultural activities.
We obtain ghee, curd , butter, etc from milk given by cowA cow is considered as a mother so she is called as the “Gau Mata” Hindu people respect cow very much and also worship the cow. The milk of a cow is offered to god during puja and katha. It is also used to do the Abhishek of the god and goddess statue during festivals and Pooja.
Cow milk is given high status in the society as it is very beneficial to us. She gives birth to a small calf after 12 months. The baby cow takes 12 months to come out of mother’s womb, it is the longest period of baby staying inside the stomach. She does not give any practice to her child to walk or run, he/she starts walking and running just after the birth. A baby cow drinks the cow’s milk for some days or months and starts eating food like a cow eats.
Descriptive Essay - The Cow
1. description of body
2. Food and habits
3. Usefulness
4. Sacredness
5. Conclusion
The cow is a common domestic milch animal. It is a quadruped with a body that is longish and about 1.5 metres high. It has two horns on its head and two long ears. It has a long tail with the tuft of hair on its end . A cow has a hump behind it's neck on the back. It has no teeth in the the upper jaw but it has a row of fine eight teeth in the lower jaw. Cows are of various colours. The cow is a cud-chewing animal.
Cows live on green food - grass, leaves of plants, grain etc. Also, they like oil-cakes, cotton seeds, bran and straw very much. Like all other cud-chewing animals, a cow swallows up its food quickly. But later on, it brings it back into the mouth and chews it fully well till it turns into a fine white foam-like paste. In general, cows are very gentle. They can be easily tamed and managed . It is not very difficult to milk a cow either. Cow's milk is very light and healthful indeed.
The Cow is a very useful quadruped. It gives us sweet milk which is very useful for babies and patients. It sharpens the memory of a person who takes it regularly. We get butter, curd, cream, butter - milk and cheese from it. Beside, cow - dung is very useful too. It forms a very good manure as also it serves as a good fuel when it is perfectly dried. The villagers make cakes out of the cow - dung and dry them in the hot sun in order to burn them as fuel for their daily cooking. A cow is very useful after its death even. Its hide is made into fine leather for making shoes, belts and saddles etc. Its bones and horns are used to make handles of knives etc. Cows give us calves. Male calves grow up into oxen that work on our farms. They draw ploughs and carts and work our wells also. Female calves grow up into cows.
The cow is a sacred animal for the Hindus. They hold this animal in high regard and call it Mother Cow. The dung and urine of a cow are considered to be great purifying objects. Cow's urine is administerd to a new-born baby as a ceremony observed by the Hindus. Giving a cow in charity to a priest is considered to be a highly religious act.
It is a pity that the regard for this useful animal is slowly dying down. Our pasture - lands are decreasing day by day and, as a result , cows are seen roaming hungry in streets and on roads in search of fodder. Moreover , people have started killing this animal for food also. Though efforts are on the way to have the slaughter of cows banned by law, yet meat-eaters are not happy over it. But we must realise that if this species of milch animals is ignored and its number goes on decreasing, we will have to face a lot of hardship in future. We will be short of milk and oxen that are the very back-bone of our agriculture. So, we must do our best to preserve our cow wealth and increase their number as well as improve their qualiquality so that we may be able to get more and better milk for drinking and better breeds of oxen for our farms and fields.
It is an irony that cow-slaughter has not been banned altogether in India. Cow is is worshipped all over the country. Let the government impose a ban on its massacre. The holy cow inspires millions. It's milk is nothing short of nectar.