Computer Science, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago


What are the most demanding programming languages in the world??​


Answered by 3140



This is a popular choice and a really good option to choose for a first programming language. Ruby is used by companies like AirBnB, BaseCamp, Groupon and GitHub.

The learning curve to master Ruby is less steep in comparison to other languages. After a short time, you'll be able to write and execute Ruby programs. It's a great springboard to learning other languages later on at an accelerated pace.


A lot of coding bootcamps teach JavaScript. It's definitely an important language to learn, as it's widely used across the web and enables you to do some pretty cool things as a programmer. However, you should know that JavaScript has a number of complicated features - things like anonymous functions, callbacks, and prototypical inheritance - that make it a good choice to learn once you've mastered a different programming language.


Python has become popular in data science and scientific computing. IT's used at companies like Google and Yahoo! Python's syntax looks very similar to Ruby, so if you learn one language it's pretty easy to pick up the other.


PHP came out around the same time as Ruby and saw a lot of early success. Now, however, companies that run PHP code are generally using older technologies instead of cutting edge ones.

Wordpress is built off PHP, which has played a key role in its success. Because of this, many PHP developers are hired to modify PHP blogs. These jobs can be interesting at first, but eventually become mundane. Working in Wordpress can be boring because it doesn't give you the opportunity to use creative problem solving and do real programming.


Not to be confused with JavaScript, Java is the language that backs much of the non-consumer facing aspects of large corporations. If you're interested in working for a modern tech company or a startup, there are probably some better options to learn first.


This is used by a lot of big companies that build desktop applications that run on Windows. C# is one of the go-to languages of companies that are nervous about open source technology and only want to use technology that is backed by a big player like Microsoft.

Objective-C & Swift

New iPhone applications are built primarily in the Swift programming language, but you may need to use a bit of Objective C. This is good stuff to eventually learn, but probably not super practical as a first programming language.

By no means is this an all-inclusive list. But if you're trying to figure out a programming language to start with, it's more than enough for you to be looking at. If you do want a more comprehensive list, definitely checkout out Guide to Programming Languages.

Answered by Andy07

1) Java

2) Python

3) JavaScript

4) C++

5) C#

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